February 2021

Russian cuisine online competiton

Moscow Poly invites everybody to make a cook`s tour and demonstrate your knowledge of Russian language and culture.

   February 8, 13:50

Moscow Polytechnic University hosts an event competition “The day of Russian national cuisine” which will take place online on the “Zoom” platform. In order to participate in the event, send your application form till February 7 to konkurs@mospolytech.ru.

   Everybody who wants to participate in the competition must click the link.

   The competition tasks will be given right in the time of the event, taking place online on the “Zoom” platform. The task is to create a video (5 minutes max) in Russian on the subject “Cook an analogue of a Russian dish”.

   After the completion of the task you must send your video to konkurs@mospolytech.ru till February 11.

   The winners will be announced February 12.

   The event program:

   13:50 – 13:55 The event moderator opening statement;

13:55 – 14:15 Russian national cuisine particularities: the presentation in Russian;

14:15 – 14:25 The introduction to the “Schi” (a national Russian dish) ingredients;

14:25 – 14:30 The presentation in Russian “How to cook Russian schi”;

14:30 – 14:40 The presentation in Russian “The introduction to the Russian national cuisine”;

14:40 – 14:45 Видеоконкурс «Приготовь аналог русского блюда» Video competition “Cook an analogue of a Russian dish”;

14:45 – 14:50 Concluding speech.

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