February 2022

New Open Day Format at Moscow Poly

Smart Polytech is a new open day format introduced by Moscow Poly. It will allow future students to get acquainted with the university better and try their hand at a chosen specialty.

The new program is targeted at enrollees, as well as the heads of schools and colleges. While you choose a major, we offer various master classes and consultation programs on admission. We provide you with an opportunity to immerse yourselves in the desired disciplines.

The participants are now offered a chance to explore the specializations that are taught at Moscow Poly, talk to teachers and students, consult to an admission committee, as well as learn about the extracurricular activity. We have also added an option to choose a desired subject and attend workshops in your majors.

Workshops available for attendance:


The participants will learn to test combustion engine and car control system sensors, create a racing car and operate a vehicle remotely.


Those interested will master interactive app development and computer animation basics. They will find out how to become a game programmer and create the app solutions for 1C: enterprises.


The attendants will master rhetorical eloquence. They will hear lectures on journalism genres in social networks and get assistance in creation of the unique content.


The visitors will learn to present themselves successfully in a good light under various circumstances. In addition to that, they will get advice on time management and how to get everything done in time.


Basic principles of creating car designs will be presented to the audience. The secrets of winning at the “Art of Graphics” olympiad contest, as well as the guide steps on how to get a 100 at the entry exams will be shared with them.


The participants will get a grasp of 3D printing. They will be introduced to unmanned flights programming and a lot more.


You can register or let us know about your attendance at this Moscow Poly event at priem@mospolytech.ru. You can also invite our experts to your HEI.

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