March 2024

Moscow Polytech Students Invited to Participate in Conference “Environmental Safety and Sustainability of Social Development”

Moscow Polytech students are invited to take part in the International Educational Conference "Environmental Safety and Sustainability of Social Development", which will take place on March 22 at 11:00 at Moscow Polytechnic University.


The goal of the Conference is to implement the action plan of the "Development Strategy of Education in the Russian Federation until 2025" approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, and discuss the conceptual basis of Russian environmental education, real mechanisms of forming an environmental education system for the younger generation, and issues of scientific research in the field of environmental safety and occupational safety.

Conference sections:

Section 1: "Cultural Ecology: slogan and reality"

Section 2: "Assessment of the environmental state of regions"

Section 3: "Green economy as a model of sustainable development"

Section 4: "Development of social potential of territories in the context of ensuring environmental safety"

Section 5: "Business facing global environmental problems: tools and mechanisms for solutions. Environmental innovations"

Section 6: "Recycling and waste processing as a strategy for sustainable development of a closed-cycle economy"

Section 7: "Environmental safety of technical systems"

Section 8: "Labor protection in the modern world"

Section 9: "Economic aspects of environmental safety: Russian and international experience"

Forms of participation:


Delivery a report with a presentation at the Conference with the consequent publication of the article in the collection;

Online participation

Publication of a scientific article in the Conference collection (based on the recommendation of the supervisor and responsible section secretary).

To participate in the conference, one needs to do the following by March 17, 2024:

  • register by filling out the participant form;
  • send an abstract of your report (article) to conference@mospolytech.ru.

Selected scientific reports recommended for publication will be included in the collection for publication. The collection is indexed in the RSCI. Reports selected by reviewers for their relevance, novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the submitted materials will be recommended for publication (Annex №2). Report materials (articles) should be sent to conference@mospolytech.ru.

Deadline for submission of reports (articles) is March 17, 2024

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