August 2022

Moscow Poly Students and Employees Invited to Visit ‘New Moscow. 10 Years’ Exhibition

“Mosstroiinform” (Moscow, ‘Mayakovskaya’ metro st., 2 Brestskaya street, 6) is holding a “New Moscow. 10 Years” exhibition until 14 September. The event is devoted to celebrated new territories that became a part of Moscow 10 years ago. The Exposition shows off the pace of New Moscow development.

All willing can learn about the already implemented infrastructure projects, complex site improvements, find out about the results achieved over the past 10 years, as well as the plans for the future.

The audience will be offered 4 locations: residential complex, transport infrastructure and garden and park area, as well as social infrastructure.

According to the organization committee, “The New Moscow. 10 Years” uncovers the fresh vision on the city development and demonstrates its unity with nature, human and the modern infrastructure. The key concept that served the ground building the New Moscow neighborhoods is the balance between residence and services, transportation availability and green areas. New Moscow territory includes NAO (New Moscow administrative region) and TiNAO (Troitsk and New Moscow administrative regions). The territory has been integrated to Moscow on 1 July 2012, thanks to what Moscow territory has become 2,4 times bigger.

Exhibition working hours:

Monday – Thursday | 10:00–18:00
Friday | 10:00–16:00.

Entrance fee: free
Requires registration.

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