May 2022

International Students Invited to Participate in Contest Commemorated to Pushkin`s Birthday Anniversary

Moscow Poly will hold a “Pushkin`s Poems Kaleidoscope” international creative contest commemorated to the day of the Russian language that coincides with A.S. Puskin`s birthday. The Contest, organized by Moscow Poly, will last up to 2 June 2022.

Moscow Poly international students, as well as students studying at other universities, colleges and schools in Moscow, Russia, CIS and non-CIS countries are welcomed to participate. The works are accepted electronically until 31 May 2022. In the period between 31 May and 1 June 2022 the works assessment will take place. The result announcement and awarding ceremony will take place on 2 June 2022.

To participate in the Contest, one has to submit the work (video clip) over email: konkurs@mospolytech.ru.
The work must be signed in a following way: initials, country (region), faculty/institute/filiation, year, group No.
When sending over email, the name of the file should contain the surname (last name) in Latin letters (for instance, “IVANOV.mov”)


The creative assignment (video containing poem recital) should be accomplished by heart, in Russian and be structured the following way:  

  • annotation that contains the name of one of A.S. Pushkin`s poems chosen for recital, the year of composition, participant`s initials, country;
  • body of the work: poem recital itself – by heart, in Russian. 

2. The main requirements for the contests of the work:
  • reveal the artistic concept of the work;
  • expression;
  • artistry;
  • accuracy of reproduction.
3. The competitive work should be of a decent quality and fall under the time limit (5 minutes at longest).

Good luck to each of the participants!

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