March 2024

International Contest of Youth Projects “Book of the Future 2024”

Applications are accepted from 28.03.2024 to 27.04.2024.

The Contest aims at supporting and developing youth initiatives for promotion of reading, ensuring decent conditions for professional development of creative specialists from Russia and CIS countries, and rendering assistance in the process of implementation of socially-valuable projects.


“New Reading Formats” — individual or group projects dedicated to new formats and ways of reading with account of relevant and future development level of science and technology.

“Social advertising” — advertising projects (photo/ video/ posters) devoted to promotion of conventional and non-conventional formats of reading.

 “Promotion in networks” — individual or group internet projects, devoted to promotion of conventional and non-conventional formats of reading.

 “Social campaigns and projects” — individual or group campaigns, events held offline or in a mixed format and that aim at promoting conventional and non-conventional formats of reading.

“Illustration of future” — open topic, the format of the contest work is a series of illustrations

(3 to 10) made provided for the possible placement on modern and future book mediums.


Invited for participation are Russian and international citizens from 14 to 35 years old.

The participation may be both individual and group form.


Contest results will be published on the organizers` official websites of or and

The best project selected for pitching in Moscow, Kazan and St.Petersbrug will be shortlisted before 06.05.2024.

For the winners, there will be an intensive course in pitching and self-presentation held. The winners will get an opportunity to implement their contest project in the framework of activity carried out by the Contest partners. The projects that 2 and 3 places will be awarded by the Expert Council of the Contest.

Organization Committee contacts:


Tel.: +7(495) 223-05-23 ext. 4114, 1601

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Admission committee +7 (495) 223-05-37
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