Human being as a Measure. Natural and Digital. Anthropocene

November 29, 18:00
Online Round Table “Human being as a measure. Anthropocene.” is held in the terms of the project “Human being as a measure: natural and digital” parallel program and organized with the support of Moscow Poly and Gorky Park.

Scientists claim that human activity leads to biophysical changes on the planetary scale and introduce a new geological era – Anthropocene.

Anthropocene issue demands an interdisciplinary dialogue and the synthesis of different fields of expertise – of both humanitarian and natural sciences.

The era of Renaissance and Modernism brought humans and progress ideas to the center of the Universe; however, in the latter half of XX century they were replaced by new views of world order and human place in it. Human role and his scale of influence on the world in the anticipated images of future are in constant change. Some mediators support techno-utopian ideas, others believe in the autonomy of living systems, still others support the idea of a hybrid option, where every member of eco-system has access to the reality management.

The constant change of future models in science, philosophy and art and the approaches to the future construction will be discussed in the terms of the discussion.

The human role in future, artistic strategies, crucial in the climate crisis situation and growing disbelief in scientific knowledge will also be discussed.

The participants:

Irina Shraiber – a physicist, a Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, a researcher in European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN, Geneva), the mentor of Science Leadership School, a popularizer of science;

Ilya Volnov – a Candidate of Science, the curator of science-art festival “Image creation” and the head of the project “Human being as a measure: natural and digital”;

Alexander Pisarev – a translator, an editor, a member of Philosophy Institute under the Russian Academy of Science (areas of interest: modern ontologies, scientific and technological researches, art theories);

Olga Derugina – an artist, a curator, the author of art texts (areas of interest: digital media research, interdisciplinary activities);

Katya Isaeva – a multidisciplinary artist, a curator, a participant of the research program “Anthropocene School” of “Garaj 2019”, the author of a collected volume “Skarki Antropozena”.

The moderator – Elena Demidova – an artist, a professor and the curator of science-art projects in Moscow Polytechnic University, the co-head of the project “Human being as a measure: natural and digital”.

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