Human being as a Measure

November, 12
The lecture-hall of the Gorky Park Museum (Krumskiy Val str., 9/11) hosted the lecture, the book presentation and the round table on the subject “Human being as a measure: natural and digital” within the parallel program

Event program:

The lecture “Human being as a measure: new reality – science, art, self-organization” (by Georgiy G. Malinetskiy from Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics)

We are on the edge of new step of social development – the postindustrial reality. We`re going to the world of humans from nature through the kingdom of machines. Today`s the crucial moment for our history – the choice that defies the destiny of our reality. Science, art and self-organization can play a crucial role in the shaping of future and changing the present.

7:20pm-7:40 pm

The presentation of the book “The demon inside. The anatomy of AI” by Igor Shnurenko.

Igor Shnurenko, aka Cyril Gilson, shows the nature of the most powerful and secret world industry. What are the limits of technologies straight from the “Black mirror”? How to survive in a fight with the hand-made demon?


The round table “Human being as a measure: New Middle Ages or New Renaissance”.

-G.G. Malinetskiy, PhD of Physics and Mathematics, a professor, the head of mathematical modeling of non-linear processes department in Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics;
- I. Shnurenko, a writer, a cryptojournalist and a futurist;
- D.U. Peretolchin, a historian, a sociology and a publicist (an analytical internet-channel “Den TV”);
- O.G. Bahtiarov, a psychologist, the author of the psyhonetic conception and deconcentrational methods.

Moderator: I.N. Volnov, Candidate of Mathematical sciences, the head of Technological educational support center in Moscow Polytechnic University.

The system crisis of life patterns signifies that it`s high time to choose our future and the choice must be civil. Here are main questions for the discussion:

-What images of our future are highly discussed nowadays?
-If the modern crisis looks like the crisis of late Roman Empire, are we going to face new “Middle Ages”?
- The type of crisis as a possibility to transform into something better, has always required a decent amount of energy. Do we really have it now?
- The future of AI or humans?
- New Middle Ages or Renaissance?

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