March 2022

“City of Explorations” Moscow Edu Touristic Camp

Moscow Tourism Committee launches “City of Explorations” innovative educational touristic project.

The project is based on the methodology developed by the commission of experts in the sphere of additional education. According to the methodology, by visiting places, the participants will be able to see the city as a complex of systems that are not available within an ordinary tourists. These places are industrial objects, techno parks, innovation clusters, enterprises headquarters.

The project does not only bear the educational function, it also provides a professional orientation (function) and introduces school students to the future professions. The Russian Academy of Education (RAE) has already approved the implementation.

More than 3 000 students fr om 85 country regions have participated the project so far.

Supervising guides play the key role in the Project. They accompany the participants at all stages of the event: they ensure the reflection, accompany the participants on tours and help them get immersed in the context.

On 22 march 2022, an online webinar was held wh ere Moscow Tourism Agency presented the educational touristic Project and the Intensive course. Find the details of the event here.

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