Baikal photo event

Registration for the V All-Russian photo-event “Baikal dlya kazhdogo” is open. The event takes place 15-20 February 2021.

Participation is open for photographers, videographers and bloggers aged between 18 and 35 with personal professional equipment.

Participants will walk through interesting Baikal and Irkutsk paths (including Olkhon island) and learn about local culture.

Photo exhibition in more than 30 Russian regions will be held as the result of the project.

On daily basis the participants will take part in workshops of famous Russian travel-bloggers and 5 photo tours, where everyone will be able to savor and capture local beauty.

In order to apply for the event you should fill in the application form, add the link to your portfolio and send the completed creative task on the project e-mail till the 17th of February.

The participation is free. The receiving party bears the cost of transportation tfrom Irkutsk to the Khujir village and back, of board and lodging.

Find more about the event here. (Information and application are provided in Russian)

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